Company Profile

Company NameJiku Robotics (Space & Time Robotics) LLC
Aim (1)Robotics related software development
(2)Robotics related hardware development
(3)Embed software etc. development
(4)Embed equipment etc. development
(5)Consulting of robotics
(6)Selling developed robots, sofware and equipment etc.
(7)Making robotics related websites
(8)Robotics related education
(9)Robotics publishment
(10)All businesses incidental to the preceding items
Location1 - 5 - 9, Tenjin-cho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo, ZIP Code: 183-0053, JAPAN
Settlement of accountsOctober
Date of establishment2024/10/29
RepresentativeShinya TAKEUCHI
Main BankThe Tama Shinkin Bank , GMO Aozora Net Bank
Main Securities CorporationNomura Securities (Owns Corporate Account)
Capital stock5 million Japanese YEN
Corporate Number4012403006817
Invoice NumberT4012403006817


2023/1/10Signed to the tax office as sole proprietorship (Representative: Shinya TAKEUCHI)
2024/10/29Convert into LLC (Representative: Shinya TAKEUCHI)